How To Manage Hunger and Cravings for Weight loss
Learning how to manage hunger and cravings for weight loss is key for any successful weight loss plan. Discover how to overcome these challenges with Adelaide Naturopath and Weight Loss Specialist at Renew Health.
Hunger and cravings are two of the most common challenges that cause women to fall off the weight loss wagon and back into old habits that lead to frustrating weight gain.
In order to understand how to manage hunger and cravings for weight loss, it is important to know what causes these problems in the first place.
Here are 5 common problems that can make it difficult to manage hunger and cravings for weight loss.
1. Not eating enough
I often see women falling into the trap of not eating enough to try to speed up the rate in which their body releases weight. While fast weight loss is something we all desire, the restriction required for these results is simply unsustainable and we will reach a point where our brain begins to trigger a signal that will cause our hunger hormones to rise. Initially, we may be able to use will power to overcome these signals but the body will continue to turn up the intensity until we give in. Skipping breakfast is a major trigger for night time binge eating. It is important to fuel your body appropriately and consistently throughout the day to maintain stable energy and blood sugar levels. Fluctuations in energy and blood sugar levels can lead to an increase in hunger and cravings.
While it is important to maintain a calorie deficit to lose weight, we must focus on a sensible reduction in portion sizes while still eating enough protein, healthy fats, carbohydrates and nutrients which signals to the body that it is safe to release unwanted weight. Extreme restriction or removing complete food groups from your diet may signal that resources are scarce and may cause the body to increase hungry and cravings while slowing down our metabolic rate.
How to manage hunger and cravings for weight loss tip #1: Eat enough
2. Low fibre and protein intake
Much like point one, when we are busy focusing on eating less to lose weight, we can sometimes find ourselves eating far less than we need which leads to hunger and cravings.
Eating adequate protein with every meal and snack helps to keep blood sugar levels stable and signal to the brain that you are full. Dysregulated blood sugar levels cause extreme fluctuations in hunger and strong cravings for sweets.
Ensuring you are eating enough fibre can also help you to maintain feelings of comfortable fullness throughout the day. Fibre from fruits and vegetables help to feed our helpful gut bacteria. These bacteria support weight loss by stimulating the release of hormones that tell us we are full. Happy, healthy gut bacteria can also improve imbalances like insulin resistance, reduce inflammation, keep blood sugar levels stable and support weight loss in a number of other ways.
Aim for two to three cups of vegetables (or vegetables combined with one cup of fruit) with each meal. Do your best to increase the variety of the fruits and vegetables you choose to eat as this supports the diversity of out gut microbiome. If you struggle to digest large quantities of vegetables, try cooking your vegetables well. Increasing fibre intake is one of the most underrated but effective strategies for reducing and managing hunger cues.
If you feel that you are the type of person that must engage in extreme restriction to lose weight and therefore, feel hesitant about eating more, please know that continuing to eat less will only make matters worse. In these situations it is important to address metabolic function and they other underlying causes that are contributing to the stubborn weight gain. You should be able to nourish your body and eat enough to satisfy hunger and cravings while losing weight.
How to manage hunger and cravings for weight loss tip #2: Increase protein and fibre
3. Manage Stress
Cravings for comfort foods are often our bodies attempt to help us soothe stress and nervous system dysregulation. Stress can also cause blood sugar fluctuations which we know can lead to cravings for sweets, carbs and salty food. In addition to blood sugar fluctuations, stress can lead to hormonal changes which may also impact our hunger and cravings. Stress can impact sleep. A deep, restful and restorative sleep is required for healthy hormones, optimal metabolic function, sustainable weight loss and control over unwanted hunger and cravings.
How to manage hunger and cravings for weight loss tip #2: Manage stress
4. Address mineral deficiencies
As we reduce our food intake to lose weight, our nutrient intake may also reduce. Mineral deficiency can lead to hormone changes, blood sugar fluctuations, metabolic dysfunction and an increase in hunger and cravings. Animal proteins like eggs and seafood are rich in bioavailable nutrients, fruit is another good source of minerals. If you are struggling to address mineral deficiencies with diet alone, short term use of key nutritional supplements can help to support weight loss while reducing hunger and cravings.
How to manage hunger and cravings for weight loss tip #4: Increase mineral intake
5. Consider seeking support
The strategies that worked for you a few years ago may not be effective strategies for you now. Searching the internet for weight loss advice or starting a diet because it worked for someone else may not be the most effective strategies either. Yo-yo dieting and extreme restriction lead to stubborn weight gain and the sooner you find the right, sustainable strategies for you, the easier it will be to maintain a healthy weight long term.
How to manage hunger and cravings for weight loss tip #5: Seek support
As a naturopath specialising in womens health and weight loss, I regularly see women who are struggling with stress, cravings and other challenges that prevent them from losing weight. The great news is, there are a number of strategies that can help to keep you focussed and on track. From personalised nutrition plans to ensure your individual needs are being met to herbs and nutrients to reduce the appetite and eliminate cravings, there is so much that can be done to support your success.
If you are ready to seek support to manage hunger and cravings for weight loss, here are 3 ways I can help:
1. Work with me! Book a consultation in person (Evandale, SA) or AUS + NZ wide online via Zoom
2. Listen to the Holistic Weight Loss Podcast
3. Connect with me on Instagram | Pinterest | YouTube | LinkedIn | Facebook
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