
Estrogen Dominance and Weight Gain

Estrogen Dominance and Weight Gain There is an interesting link between estrogen dominance and weight gain. Estrogen dominance is a term that describes the pattern of high estrogen relative to progesterone and it is one of the most common imbalances I see among the women I work with. Throughout this article we will discuss the…

Estrogen Dominance and Weight Gain

Estrogen Dominance and Weight Gain

There is an interesting link between estrogen dominance and weight gain. Estrogen dominance is a term that describes the pattern of high estrogen relative to progesterone and it is one of the most common imbalances I see among the women I work with.

Throughout this article we will discuss the importance of estrogen, how estrogen dominance can develop and what impact estrogen has on our ability to maintain a healthy weight.

Functions and Benefits of Estrogen

Estrogen in general has a bit of a bad reputation, this is because the topic of estrogen is severely misunderstood. There are 3 different types of estrogen produced by the body, these estrogens are different to the estrogen we receive when using the oral contraceptive pill or HRT, these estrogens are also different to the xenoestrogens that pollute our environment.

In order to experience the benefits of estrogen we want our bodies producing the optimal amount of estrogen at the right time, we want it to be balanced with progesterone, we want to avoid synthetic or xenoestrogens to the best of our ability and we must ensure our body is detoxing used or excess estrogen effectively (more on that in a moment).

Estrogen in balance should result in:

– Feeling happy and energised
– Healthy libido
– Strong, healthy bones (optimal gut health and resistance training is also required)
– Healthy brain function, memory and cognition
– Easy weight maintenance
– Regular, pain free, symptom free periods
– Gentle transition through menopause

For estrogen to remain “balanced” we must be producing enough progesterone. In order to produce enough progesterone we must ovulate monthly.

If ovulation does not occur we risk becoming deficient in progesterone and dominant in estrogen. Stress, peri menopause, the early stages of puberty and PCOS are just a few of the common reasons that cause women to fail to ovulate which is why estrogen dominance is often seen in these cases.

Signs and Symptoms of Estrogen Dominance

Heavy, Painful Periods
Some women experience heavy, painful periods for a majority of their life while other women notice a change in their menstrual cycle and flow as they begin to approach 40. In both cases, estrogen dominance plays a role. Women who are beginning to notice a change in cycle length, pain or flow as they approach 40-45 years of age can begin to suspect they are entering peri menopause and therefore, no longer ovulating regularly. There is much that can be done to restore balance as you move through this time.

Mood swings, changes in appetite, bloating, pain, fluid retention, sleep issues and the other challenges that some women experience in the week leading up to their period can become exacerbated by estrogen dominance. Suppressed thyroid function, nervous system dysregulation and mineral deficiency may also make matters worse.

Cyclic Headaches and Migraines
Cycle headaches and migraines can be linked to low progesterone, estrogen dominance and histamine intolerance which is commonly associated with higher levels of estrogen.

Cystic Acne
Cyctic acne or monthly breakouts are often associated with estrogen dominance, insulin resistance, ineffective detoxification and stress.

Stubborn or Rapid Weight Gain
Estrogen dominance and weight gain. This is the most common complaint I see among the women I work with. Estrogen dominance can cause rapid, stubborn weight gain to develop primary around the hips, thighs and lower abdominal area. This is often seen in young women who have just started using the pill for the first time and peri menopausal women as they edge closer to menopause.

Fibroids, Fibrocystic Breasts
Growths like fibroids and the development of fibrocystic breasts can be linked to estrogen dominance. Breast cysts, swelling and pain can also be linked to estrogen dominance and iodine deficiency. Low levels of iodine may also be associated with suppressed thyroid function.

There is an element of estrogen dominance associated with PCOS due to the lack of ovulation that occurs with this condition. While estrogen dominance may not be the cause, working on optimising your estrogen to progesterone balance can greatly improve the symptoms associated with PCOS. Learn more about PCOS. Learn How To Lose Weight With PCOS. Discover The Best Supplements For PCOS Weight Loss.

Mood Changes
Mood changes like anxiety or low mood, mood swings, feeling teary, emotional or overwhelmed are all associated with estrogen dominance. There is also some evidence to suggest estrogen dominance may play a role on body dysmorphia and PMDD (pre menstrual dysmorphic disorder)

Estrogen Dominance and Weight Gain

Estrogen dominance may lead to weight gain by slowing metabolic function and impairing thyroid function. Excessive amounts of estrogen can promote fat storage and fluid retention. Fat cells may also produce their own estrogen leading to a vicious cycle. This is especially common in post menopausal women and is one of the reasons why weight loss can be a challenge during this time.

Estrogen may affect mood and resiliance, this may lead to binge eating, emotional eating or extreme cravings for sweets and high carb foods.

Working with a naturopath who understands the link between estrogen dominance and weight gain will help you to achieve balance while releasing unwanted weight.

What Causes Estrogen Dominance

Estrogen dominance can be caused by:

Stress can prevent ovulation. Ovulation is required for progesterone production. If ovulation continuously fails to occur, estrogen dominance can develop

Early Puberty
In the early stages of puberty, the body is still developing its rhythm when it comes to ovulation and monthly bleeds. Many young girls find themselves in an estrogen dominant state while their body is working things out

Pre Menopause, Peri Menopause and Menopause
Estrogen dominance can develop during these stages of life due to a lack of ovulation. Many women are told that their estrogen levels are low during this time which may be partially true. Interestingly, progesterone is usually low too which can still lead to the signs and symptoms associated with estrogen dominance.

Restrictive Dieting & Excessive Exercise
The stress caused by restrictive dieting or excessive exercise can stop the body from ovulating leading to low progesterone and estrogen dominance

The Oral Contraceptive Pill
The oral contraceptive pill inhibits ovulation leading to low progesterone. The most common oral contraceptive pills are estrogen based, taking these high doses of estrogen for prolonged periods of time can lead to severe estrogen dominance which eventually creates other health complications.

While hormone replacement therapy may provide relief from hot flushes, mood swings, sleep issues and other troublesome menopausal symptoms, it can lead to estrogen dominance which often results in stubborn weight gain through the mid section and fluid retention. There are many natural alternatives for HRT, unfortunately these are not always effective.

Gut Health Issues
Our gut health and microbiome can contribute to optimal hormone health or persistent imbalances. Beta-glucuronidase is a bacterial enzyme produced by specific strains of “unhelpful” gut bacteria, which can limit the excretion of compounds from the body such as medications, hormones, neurotransmitters and environmental toxins by reversing a detoxification process known as glucuronidation.

Regular Alcohol Intake
Estrogen is primarily detoxed by the liver. Regular alcohol intake impairs your livers ability to properly detox estrogen.

Gall Bladder Removal
Sluggish gall bladder function or gall bladder removal can affect the bodies ability to detox estrogen effectively as bile plays a key role in estrogen detoxification.

Low Fibre Diet
Fibre play a key role in estrogen detoxification.

Constipation or Ineffective Elimination
Regular bowel movements (1-3 complete movements daily) is required for effective estrogen elimination. Less than 1-3 bowel movements daily may lead to toxin and estrogen accumulation.

Low thyroid function and mineral deficiencies can also lead to estrogen dominance. Interestingly, estrogen dominance can impair thyroid function which can become the start of a vicious cycle.

Conclusion: Estrogen Dominance and Weight Gain

Correcting estrogen dominance can be complicated and overwhelming. Working with a practitioner can help you to navigate this process with guidance and ease.

Optimising the balance between estrogen and progesterone can improve your mood, improve your cycle health, support your transition through menopause and support your ability to achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

Here are 3 ways I can help:

1. Work with me! Book a consultation in person (Evandale, SA) or AUS + NZ wide online via Zoom

2. Listen to the Holistic Weight Loss Podcast

3. Connect with me on Instagram | Pinterest | YouTube | LinkedIn | Facebook

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